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L'annuaire Greentrade
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* 270 grs of tofu organic semihard elaborated from organic soybean certified by Letis S.A. (Biocertificación)
* Shelf Life: nine months without cold chain.
* Apt to celiac.
- Soy drink Natural Flavour
* 1000cm3 organic soybean drink certified by Letis S.A. (Biocertificación)
* Natural flavor. Ready to drink.
* Shelf Life: six months without cold chain.
* Apt to celiac.
- Vetch Suop and dehidrated vegetables.
* Very nutritive, without cholesterol, low in sodium.
* Apt to celiac.
* 23 portions.
- Extruded Soybean
* Product high in proteins, free of cholesterol.
* Apt to celiac.
* Regular : 8mm.
* Thin: 50% goes throw 1mm mesh and 50% stays in a 1mm mesh.
* Flour: The 100% goes through a 1mm mesh.
- Extruded Vetch
* Product high in protein, free of cholesterol.
* Apt to celiac.
* 6mm.
Our Organic Honey are a very competitive
Olive seeds. If you are really interesting in our prodcuts please don't hesitate to contact us.-
We are a producer and exported compay called Camino Real Ltda. if you are really interesting in our products please don\'t hesiatet to contact us.-
Nuz, Almonds, Figs, Deshidrated Fruits.-
We exports our products to Asia and Europe, if you are really interesting in our prodcuts please don\'t hesitate to contact us.-
As usually exports 2 X 40´ RF Contaner Reefer
weekly shipments.-
If you are really interesting please don\'t heasitate to contact us.-
who exports our products to Asia, Europe.-
Our products are organics , we produce at Origin country CHILE if you are really interesting in our prodcuts please contact asap.-